Logotipo Bubblz
Logotipo Bubblz
Soporte Bubblz

¿Cómo cambio el nivel?

To change the language level, tap the flag icon on the Home Screen, and then tap Learning Language > Level.

Even if you’ve reached a B1 or B2 level through traditional language learning methods, which often focus on grammar, you might still find conversations challenging. This is because effective communication in a language relies on subconscious fluency, while grammar is learned consciously. Bubblz is designed to help bridge this gap, so it’s crucial to select a level where you feel most comfortable conversing.

At level A2, the chatbot will use shorter sentences and simpler, more straightforward language. As you progress beyond A2, the language will become increasingly complex and colloquial.

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Prueba Bubblz gratis

Con Bubblz, adquirir fluidez no es una tarea, ¡es una charla!

Deshazte de lo tradicional y adéntrate en el futuro de la práctica de idiomas. Prueba Bubblz gratis hoy mismo y experimenta el aprendizaje de idiomas como nunca antes.
Bubblz™ es una marca comercial pendiente de Surf City Apps LLC en Estados Unidos, la Unión Europea, Japón y Corea.