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Logo Bubblz
Supporto Bubblz

Perché Bubblz usa i “crediti”?

Our app, Bubblz, provides a unique platform for practicing foreign languages through AI chat interactions, powered by ChatGPT. Each interaction is crafted to be highly instructive and tailored to your needs, requiring significant AI resources. To align the usage of our service with operational costs, we’ve introduced a ‘credits’ system. Every word you input consumes one credit, reflecting the AI resources used for your personalized experience.

This system allows us to offer different subscription plans that cater to each user’s individual usage needs. Our Premium plan includes 3,000 monthly credits, ideal for regular learners. For those who want unlimited access to practice and learning, we also offer an Ultra plan with unlimited usage. This flexible approach ensures that all users can find a plan that matches their learning style and goals while supporting the high-quality interactions Bubblz is known for.

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Prova Bubblz gratuitamente

Con Bubblz, diventare fluenti non è un lavoro, ma una chiacchierata!

Abbandona la tradizione ed entra nel futuro della pratica linguistica. Prova Bubblz gratuitamente oggi stesso e sperimenta l'apprendimento delle lingue come mai prima d'ora.
Bubblz® è un marchio registrato di Surf City Apps LLC negli Stati Uniti e ha domande di registrazione in corso nell'Unione Europea, in Giappone e in Corea del Sud.